
Showing posts from November, 2021

2nd Internal assessment

11.Pyrexia of unknown origin  Ans:-                                                                  12.Drug induced liver injury             13.Evaluation of low backache.             14.Renal artery stenosis                       15.Acute kidney injury.                        16.oral hypoglycemia agent  17.Micro and macrovascular problems in diabetes.    18.Lights criteria 19.Metabolic acidosis  20.iron deficiency anemia       08.Leptospirosis                         03.Dengue fever  04 .Cushing syndrome  06.cardiogenic pulmonary edema 07.Rheumatoid arthritis 09.heart failure 10.Ascites 02.Etiology pathogenesis clinical features and management of acute pancreatictitis 01.Anatomical and etiologic localization for hemiparesis and further management 
  In this online e-logbook, we upload our patients de-identified health data shared after taking his/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from an available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence-based inputs.                A 62 year old female patient presented to OPD with chief complaints of   sudden onset Left upper and lower limb Weakness since 3 days. Burning and tingling sensation of lower limbs. Difficulty in getting up from bed. bowel and bladder incontinence. No sleep since yesterday. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:-                Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3days back then she developed sudden onset weakness of both left upper limb and lower limb associated with difficulty in getting up from bed.then she told she could feel the sence of fullness of bowel and bladder but can not control till the attenders lift